😉 Just tried something unique. It will blow your mind 🧠

Name of project?

  • MenuReveal - a custom & unique menu reveal

About this project:

There’s nothing much to say about this. Just watch the video below, you’ll find this interesting.
I just tried a unique way to design a menu. I haven’t tried this in multiple device. So, it may not be perfect looking/working in every device. You can install demo APK to test in your device (link below) and let me know the results, will be helpful for me.


APK Download link:

MenuReveal.apk (5.3 MB)

Thanks to…

@Kodular & @atom_developer
And I’m very thankful to :kodular: and atom developer to make my project happen.


Awesome :ok_hand: :heart_eyes:

Working properly on note 10 lite

If possible can you make a tutorial how you did this


Nice , keep on koding .



Thanks for your nice words :innocent:

  • Thanks for testing and letting me know. and can you also tell the android version?

Yes I really would like to make one. But I’m not a good commentator. but still I’ll try in few days


Android 11

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It’s Just amazing :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Android 7 & 9

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Works Fine @devcafeofficial

With M30s One UI 3.1

Android 11

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Works fine on Android 9 & 10 :slight_smile:

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Appreciate your work @devcafeofficial :+1:

But it’s not working proper in my device. The menu doesn’t seems to responsive​:sweat_smile:.

How it is looking in mine device

Device:- Redmi note 10 Android 11

I don’t see an X to log out

@iamwsumit Thanks for letting me know.
I’ll try to fix this up soon.

oh :thinking: X should be visible .
and settings & login menu items wont work, i didnt make these 2 bottom menu items working at the moment. i just wanted to test. so only above 3 menu options working. so settings and logout menu items do nothing.

But X wont be working because its container tilted.
will check


So you are using Phase , Floating View Extension right ?

yes, i’m…

@devcafeofficial Same With Me I Thought This Much Would Only Come What An Silly Mistake I did

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Working fine in resmi note 7 pro
waiting for toturial

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can you tell me how to get that icons

I personally use 99% icons from two websites

and in this project I used material icons by Google


Hey what about the aia