KIO Gradient don´t work with Vertical Arrangement

I started using KIO GRADIENT. I followed the tutorial and everything works 100%.
But in one of my projects I need to use it in a Vertical Arrangement. Does not work, gets the background color. Then I change the element to apply GRADIENT to it (horizontal arregement). It works !

Perhaps the value on ypur cpf tag on tiny db isn’t blank

Dear, is not logical problem. Ok ? When I change to horizontal arrangement , it’s work .

Did you approve the permission?
For the extension to work needs permission,
I don’t really remember what it is, maybe it’s storage. The problem with the extension is that it doesn’t ask you whether to approve or not, you need to approve through the settings, but you can create a permission request with the screen blocks

Dear , the extension It is working in all my projecta. In This case , i set in vertical arrangement, but don’t work. Then i change to horizontal arrangement, it’s work.
With Horizontal Arrangement it´s work.

Change the localization block code , but still don´t work

Only works with HORIZONTAL

bro set the color of vertical arrangement to none. then it will work


Juan’s extension KIO4 gradient definitely works with both (HA & VA). So something is wrong with your project. Open a new project and try a small example again. If there are still problems, post the aia here.

Exactly !!! Thank so much !!!

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