Kodular + AppyBuilder

The blog post with more information about the merge will be posted in, probably, 3 hours


And to warm-up, this announcement will come with something else that is not only related with AppyBuilder
Something that you have been asking for since long time ago


It makes me thinking what we were asking for! :expressionless::grin:


Appy builder has an SQL component as well and
Kodular has incorporated the SQL extension of Carlos Pedroza.

Based on the blog all the similar components from Appy will be included as deprecated.
Has anyone considered that the SQL component of Appy may be better (although much simpler)?
After all Carlos’ extension is available to import separately if one needs it.

I believe they both have similar functionalities. Is there something that you see different?

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as I already mentioned my personal experience was that it is easier to use.
I guess it is a matter of personal preference.
however both have similar functionalities as you said…

thank you for taking time to consider my post and request more feedback.

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