[center]:kodular: Kodular Chameleon [/center]
The launch of the third big version of Kodular (before known as Makeroid) includes the brand name change, and adds a few more wanted features to the Creator. We have also added a few easter eggs as a Halloween Update, can you catch them all?
This release also includes our new Kodular Shop
This release has been named under Kodular Chameleon
We decided to name it Chamaeleon because in Halloween not everything is what it seems
Creator Version : 1.2.0
Kodular Chamaeleon
Release Notes
We have added a to the most important changes
Major Changes
Renamed Makeroid to Kodular
Deployed new custom Rendezvous server
Improved signing APK procedure
Added 64bit support for apps
- Fixed little bug when downloading APKs through HTTPS
UI Changes
Halloween Easter Eggs are hidden in our Creator
Share the ones you find using the #halloween18 tag
Bugs Fixed:
Critical Issue with libraries was causing apps to not open
User Interface
- BottomSheet: Registering components were causing error sometimes
New Components
Added new Chat View component to User Interface category
Added new Lottie component to Drawing and Animation category
Added new Cryptography component to Storage category
New Events
Web View component
After JS Evaluated
: triggered after the JS Inject function
Page Loaded
: triggered after the page has been loaded at 100%
On Console Message
: triggered after a message is pushed to console
On Download Start
: triggered after a download starts
New Functions
Web View component
: loads and displays an HTML text
Evaluate JS
: executes a JS piece in the website
Go Back or Forward
: goes back the given steps (negative number) or forward (positive number)
: refreshes the current page
New Properties
Web Viewer component
Desktop Mode
: loads the page in Desktop Mode
Enable JavaScript
: allows the page to execute JavaScript
User Agent
: changes the requested User Agent
Notifier component
Text Font Typeface
: changes the font type in the message
Text Font Typeface Import
: loads an external font type in the message
Title Color
: changes the color of the title
Title Font Typeface
: changes the font type in the title
Title Font Typeface Import
: loads an external font type in the title
Bottom Sheet component
Show Statusbar
: shows or hides the statusbar
We know for sure you will like this new release, and remember to share all easter eggs you find for this Halloween Update
Happy Koding :kodular:
@Kodular Staff