It contains personal information.
I didn’t flagged it
It contains personal information.
I didn’t flagged it
Can You Please Share The aia.
Pm him this is not the correct place to discuss it
You can found it here
Thank You Very Much
Very beautiful your UI. Congratulations
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That just looks like a webviewer tbh
I am probably wrong
I think the same because in Kodular, we can’t change the elevation shadow color of any component.
I noticed this because I was in search of
for a few days now but didn’t find any solution.
There is actually a topic, which i found long back
Maybe in future it’s possible.
think outside the box
WDYM? It’s a webview.
Means , sometime use coding
That means you have made the website? If yes also this topic is about “Kodular Creativity”.
But the UI was Superb.