Kodular Fenix Bug Tracker

Please refer to this topic for updates on fixes for bugs introduced in Kodular Fenix 1.5.0

Awaiting triage :hourglass:

Under investigation :mag:

Fixes under testing :bar_chart:

Fixed, awaiting release :white_check_mark:

Webview displaying problem fixed
WEB VIEWER BUG : Kodular FENIX 1.5.0
Webview Bug, pls fix it
Space at the top of webview after new release
File componet read block error 2101 after fenix recompile
Push Notification Opened
ERROR CAMARA ( Run time Error Attemp to invoke virtual method ´Android.content.pm.providerinfo.loadxmlmetadata)on a null objet referenc
Video player video error after Fenix update - can hear sound but no visuals!
Web view not work properly
Webview doesn't work on Fenix?
How to remove blank space between header and web viewer in an app?
After the update problem WebViewer
Problemas con el push notifications
Application not responding after kodular Fenix update
Youtube Player Error After New Update
In app billing for subscription
Surface view issue
Youtube player is not working in android 10
Unable to open pdf file from asd through activity starter after fenix update
After Upadate Web viewer Not Working?
Excess top margins when using the Web Viewer and webstring
Problem with space and horizontal arragment
"Push Notifications" Component's "Notification Opened" is Not Working
[Critical] broken Korean app name
Webview Problem in update
File component problem with directory create
Firebase Authentication in Play Store Error after Kodular Fenix Update
Webview Half Screen Issue - Kodular Fenix 1.5.0
CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer
The "Sharing" component - how it works in Fenix?
PLYR Video Player Show Error
[Guide] Migrate your project's extension to Kodular new Version
Webview Has Whitespace Blocking the Top Half of the Screen
you tube embedded player not properly work in kodular new updation
Face book ads not showing Kodular Fenix
After the update problem WebViewer
Error exporting my app - "Something went wrong!"
Unable to Share File with Sharing Component
Bug in DeviceUtilities.GetIMEI
Web Viewer on screen placement issue
Webview and customwebview not working in samsung note 10 after update
Bug in DeviceUtilities.GetIMEI
FENIX - what wrong with my app?
When title Bar is visible Webviewer is unusable
Kodular does not find components in app Imported from appinventor, even if I remove and reinstall them, such as clock
CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer
Run time error in pdf viewer extension - after fenix update
start. io ads Problem
Youtube player is not working in android 10
Any update on Webview bug fix? I am waiting for update, as I have to update my app on playstore.
Problem after Update to Fenix 1.5
State progress bar is not working
Kodular website is showing hidden button text
Is this a bug? Quite Irritating
When clicking on Bag Pack, it doesn't open but the Whole Kodular Website Stops Working
Kodular Companion App Error V1.5.2 Fenix
Onesignal component not working in Fenix 1.5.2 Release
Webview Page Loaded Bud
Broken unicode in app name
[:birthday: bug] Get Plain Start Text = *nothing* bug
Help after updating kodular, unbound location null
App name error ( Korean is broken T.T)
Can't show a chinese app name
Cannot override textbox highlight and cursor color with textbox properties
Kodular store broken
Firebase authentication in not working
Activity starter problem android 11 for type Response
1.5.3 Fenix Bugs
Block not showing in new version
Replace not work with \r\n
Got Received Shared is not executed for text files
How long does the review of my application for monetization take?
Youtube_Player poor performance, crappy footage and video stops
My App Freeze When Opening for 1 - 2 minutes
Bug in downloading APK
"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')" when exporting APK-file for project imported from MIT App Invenvtor
"Internal error has occurred" when trying to connect via USB
List view component giving error
Build failed due to compile stage error please help
Accent Color always set to pink?
"Kodular is unable to compile this project. " Error
Login problem android 9
Bugs in Webview - Makes the header and footer of the website unsticky
Application does not compile
Companion bugs out -> no connection
Bug regarding the block Replace List Item with TinyDB.Get Value
Bug trying to download the apk http error
The installed apk file does not open
Unbound location null
Arrangements "visible" option not working
kodular companion not connecting
Blocks are not saving properly after closing kodular
Spreadsheet Component is not Working
Is it a bug? [Animation Utilities]
Kodular run very slow some time click does not work
Kodular slows down, Kodular slow
Screen copying bug renaming components unexpectedly
I cant download blocks as image
Switch Button Bug
My app hasn't been approved for monetization since 3 months now
Build failed by "unseen extension"
Color Picker Not Working in Design View, Fenix 1.5.5
Apk from mitt app inventor-how to compile as aab
The dialog bug in creator
How to remove error screen?
Card View Bug Pls Help!
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Action required message when testing ads. Interstitial ads not showing anyway
Write on external file problem
YouTube player error
App doesn't appears on installed icons and don't open when is installed
Google sign in bug in creator.kodular.io
I try to signup for google ad manager account, the kodular page only just reloads
Bug on premium plan
Options not functioning from extensions
Problem connecting via USB to Companion
APK installation issue, problem while parsing the package
Preimum not wokring
Kodular Slider Crash Android 12
Pictures/images uploaded in community are not showing in mobile's chrome browser
Very Laggy Block tab
Button background color
🤔 I am not using ads components 🤔
After build APK not installed, problem while parsing the package
Kodular slows down, Kodular slow
Image Component Bug
Error when opening color picker and when copying screen
Kodular is lagging
NoSuchMethodError: No static method isAtLeastR()Z
An internal error has occurred when i click on colours drop down menu
Changing background color
Issues with the color Modal Box
I need help for bugs
In App Billing Error | Screen crashes
Projects are not been shown in "My Kodular"
TaifunTM Permission doesnt work?
Build server busy
Applovin ads load but not showing any ads
How can i update Play store billing library in 5.2.1?
Unable to change BG color of any Horizontal or Vertical Arrangement
Found bug in kodular platform
Audio picker is not working. When I click audio picker it ask me for permission and when parmission granted.after it nothing to be happened.
I can't generate the aab, can anyone help?
"AAB bundle is invalid " error message on play console
Bug with the video_player component
Change Color in Right panel reports an error
Bug or Issue in Kodular Premium
Problem trying upload aia projects
Finding the bug and using the app by changing the package name
Location sensor component (location changed) not working
FLAG_IMMUTABLE error with texting component
I cant get rows >100
Unable to export the .apk file for a newly created blank project
Ad manger bug problem
Background colour change create bug
Drop box in blocks
How to show only the last 10 rows in TABLE VIEW
Different Size APK - same APK - One Works, the other NOT
Not building the entire app
I can not export the apk file
Build server is offline, Error export apk, Error writing to server
Kodular error when picking color property
the kodular creator does not work for a couple weeks..how do i fix this
Cant login into my Kodular account
cannot open my app in kodular, it reports a bug
Push Notification is not working
Web viewer cannot read html
Running Do It on the File component's MakeFullPath block causes the "no part invoke" error
Screen.AskForPermission block calls 908 when user denies the permission when the app is firstly/secondly run
Logged out with no password - Reset machine Cache
Notiver background text can not be changed
The player is not full screen when using webwiev
Showing Bug while changinh primary colour
Bugs in project after firemessaging extension
Incorrect glyphs in Material Icon font
Runtime Error In Kodular
Firebase Export problem you can see the image
Project bricked due to Kodular Bug
A bug that pop up showing it is an internal error
cannot scroll on image option
Fire base auth not working
Fire Base Not working After downloading app from playstore
Blocks view freeze! Urgent help please
Not building the entire app
List view doesn't show icons in font awesome or material icons fonts
After update Kodular i cant use Texting component for app crash
Invoking AAPT YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Crashing application with "Clock" and "List View Image and Text" components
Search function retrieving bug
Need help in solving search function error
“The build server is currently busy.”
An internal error has occurred when opening the color palette
WebView Not working Properly
Colintreelistview Element Click on work on searched elements
In-App Billing Blocks Error: Purchase and Check Purchase block Issues
Error 908 problem fix for cloudinary image upload for Android 13
APK crash - Different apk of identical code downloaded at different times
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.toString()' on a null object reference.
Error from Companion: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/osmdroid/library/R$layout;
Companion error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/osmdroid/library/R$layout
I'am not sure if this is bug Get tag list firebase is not work
Your Website links are broken?
Package appears to be invalid after publishing app
Build bug cant do apk or aab stuck @85 Percent
Google Sheets page not found error
Long click of floating action button restarts app / aia file corrupted
Someone help me with the compilation!
State Progress Bar causes errors
Webviewer is not working properly. Webviewer is showing half screen half screen blank
Video player component
Web Viewer not working properly after using Keyboard
Problem in Webview To view website
Activity Starter Error after Update the Package Name. Pls help me
Web Viewer not working properly after using Keyboard
Admob banner moving under card view
YouTube Player create Issue when video playing
WebViewer not working correctly in landscape mode
There's something wrong with the new component
After new update USB Debugging in Kodular is not working. Always shows Blank Screen when connect via USB
Webviewer screen error
Auto change in blocks!
Package gets deleted automatically
Why is camera doesn't show. in component kodular, its not extension! ist a bug? please help me. thanks yo
Why is camera doesn't show. in component kodular, its not extension! ist a bug? please help me. thanks yo
YouTube player component component not working
Kodular slows down, Kodular slow
Camera component error
Attempt to invoke virtual method when calling camera.take picture
Web Viewer Not working
Webview problem
Goodle map don't load map
Interface de trabalho do Kodular fica lenta
Hello kodular community friends
App crash after picking selection from list view.
Error when entering a new screen
SQLite/Notifier/Button not working the first time
Runtime error : google map failed resolution of:lorg/locationtech/jts/geom/GeometryFactory
Error in State Progress Bar
Kodular team please add API level 33
Build fails while using an extension with UsesServices annotation
Build fails while using an extension with UsesServices annotation
Kodular slows down, Kodular slow
State Progress Bar Problem
Cannot find the component: Vertical Arrangement 1 , AFTER FENIX UPDATE
Button with image won't hide (a bug probably)
Firebase storage problem
App crashing when open another screen with start value btn is clicked
State Progress Bar bugs maybe?
Webview Bug, pls fix it
After update kodular webview collapses!
After update kodular webview collapses!
How to fix this?
Spinner Color Error
Bug in video player component
you tube embedded player not properly work in kodular new updation

The bug tracker has been updated with the latest status on each of the bugs identified in the current release.

The update will come in a few days, hopefully before the start of August as we are yet to finish all the work required to target API 30 (Android 11).

Beta server will be updated in a few days. You will be notified via Discord.


Hi everyone

We will be releasing a bug fix update some time around 2021-08-02T12:00:00Z.

Please note that we will not be bumping the target SDK version to 30 in the upcoming release.

Thanks for your patience!