Kodular HTML Guide

It does work on my companion. Have you updated the companion? Kodular is still using HTML4, so it should work.

You can use too:



  • xxxxxx
  • yyyyyy
  • zzzzz

Best regards,



Thank you for your suggestion!

How can I display facebook comments in a web viewer? In blogger it is very easy to implement but Kodular gives errors and only shows a page without the comments plugin.

These are normal html tagsā€¦

Is it possible for kodular to recognize text formatting directly from my table on google? I already checked the HTML box, however the text in the application does not appear as it is in the table.


Image 1: My table with text in bold and italics:

Image 2: How the text is shown in the app WITHOUT HTML CHECKED:

When HTML Format box checked:


Any solution?

Hi everyone!

Iā€™d like to share my tries to you all, cause i didnā€™t see anything of this around this topic
I tried the following and worked rightly in my labels:

(1) Iā€™ve used <p style="text-align:***;">your text</p> where *** can be either left / center / right
So, please donā€™t forget the " " and ; just after your election in ***

(2) Iā€™ve used </> to close the effect, like in <u><b><i>your text</></></> and really works
So, please mind if you miss anyone of the </> then the others will work in reverse order as wrote

I donā€™t know if my contribution is more or less useful, but as i said, canā€™t see anything similar in this topic
And i also donā€™t know if itā€™s appropriate to make a new reply here after 8 months from the last one. In this case, i am sorry and feel free to let me know what would be the right topic to move it there


Great!!! Just yesterday I was looking for this!!!

Thanks so much, friend!


Hi again!

Thanks for your likes and answer about my last contribution, iā€™m glad it was useful

For the following i havenā€™t seen anything in this topic either

Now, if you want to hide any text you have in a label, so that it will not be showed, then iā€™ve tried <!your text and it works. No need to close effect with </> but itā€™s up to you

Hope this one is also useful.


Can you tell me the tags that kodular used to control ecpm floor in ad manager?

No, i canā€™t. No idea, sorry.

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