Kodular job / paid work

You want to make 1 mining app and you will get around $130 for only single app.

Note :- you should be experienced

And handle apis and database because it involves payment system.

130 dollars to do exactly what?

Make an mining app mining is just a simulation by quantity I had made payment system in app with crypto api . It will show number of coins daily it will be have an intrest of 2%

Rest of work to do :-

Add referral system to give extra intrest rate.

And some modifications on ui design and some few extra works for app .

Do you already have something ready and want to implement new features?

Want to make an app something like this with refferal system

Yes, we had already made for payment system deposit and withdraw function alone

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I can do. If you need?

I did a similar project with my br0ther. In good faith, I can help a littleā€¦

Can you show / send me your project apk in pm?

some later :ok_hand: