List with 60k elements

I am making a game. I have 60,000 words. I am using a list of words for the game. I am checking if the word written is in that list. I used a block like the one below for this job. I am concerned about performance because the number of elements in the list is large. Should I use these blocks or should I use a .csv or database?
Which one would be more efficient to use?

As i think csv file is better option if you have larger number of words

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Use google spreadsheet with quiery txt…
i am using this wih almost 17k word of list…also i am using quary “on text change” its working just like a wow

I want the game to be playable offline. So I’m not thinking of using Google Sheets or the cloud. Maybe an internal database. Thanks for answer.

@Mustafa_UGURLU1 Now where did you save this 60,000 word list? tinydb?

Sorry. I forgot to add the visual of the blocks I made.

See my answer here
