ListPermission: with this extension it is possible to make a whitelist at once

Its use is already the reward. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


not fair… i feel in debt :smiley:
thanks anyway


Amazing! Thank you for working for the community.


Note: The extension no longer works with the AndroidX libraries (→ AI2). @jarlissonlira2

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You mean @jarlissonlira2 will have to migrate to AndroidX?

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As Evan Patton said, “the extension author will need to update their extension to use the AndroidX libraries as Google has deprecated the older Android Support libraries and we are no longer using them in App Inventor.”

But Kodular still uses the Support library, as @Mika said:


… and that’s why I asked you:

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Kodular is in full mood to play game with us :joy:

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If I request all permissions on screen1, do I no longer need to request when I get to screen2?

No, you don’t need to request for permission again, if they are once granted.


Why does this problem always occur after I add it

It’s better to always ask for solution with errors are you getting and blocks you tried

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I tried but couldn’t find the answer to this kind of question

If you don’t find the solution, then create a new Topic.

A post was split to a new topic: What is the name of permission for location?

Getting this error while using this extesion in MIT App Inventor
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/ContextCompat;
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

@sourabhdubey7296 allready reported, the extension author will have to update thei extension to use the AndroidX libraries in order to work with app inventor


Probably, because you are using app Inventor, which needs androidX support library in order to work, this extension is still using the old support library.


you might want to fix the spelling errors…

also usually extension names use the UpperCamelCase notation, i.e. the correct name of the extension would be ListPermission


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Why this happens? I just use a simple block in button click