ListView Duplicated

I believe you are having problem with dictionary calling method only… pls correct it.

If not use three label and catch all the global variable in each label and see the result

What you have tried for global ST phone no the same like try fro remaining two and catch those variable in labels

the record set

Yes , just follow the above method…

Do not use any from each number or for each item list block and all.

The same like try for other variable too

Then let us know

If I dont it only lists one house

No, you will get all items… just try… if you have list items then remaining thing list view will do the rest…

only shows one house.

screen to follow;;

with it in

Ok now you use from each number from to by block

Add custom list view and use select list item block

Now it is ok

Title - select list item list get global ST house index get number

Please can you be more clear?

Now you are having all the list items separately…

Next step you need to put one by one in the custom list view

So use
For each number
from (1) to (length of any list name) by (1)

Call custom list view add items
Title (select list item - 1st list index (get number)
Subtitles (select list item - 2nd list index (get number)
Secondary text (select list item - 3rd list index (get number)

Got it??

till here im fine

but I dont get this part

In every part use select list item list block with global variable name

Put this block in for each number block

but it doesnt work

What you are getting,

Put the custom list view createListview -vertical arrangement just above the for each number block

doesnt work

how can it work that way

it doesnt know how many to make? but I tried it and it fails

Getting any error?

Use one clock component(designer part until both options and set interval as 100 or 250 or 500)

When web got text , at the bottom add set clock timer enabled to true

And move all the blocks related to custom list view blocks and all when clock timer and also add set clock timer enabled to false.

If nothing works, pls send me your aia

Ive tried the clock thing

what does a clock have to do with anything

Once lists r ready, and want to put one by especially while using dictionary method, app needs minimum few sec gap to settle down all if not most of time we won’t get properly.

well, guess thats it

it 04:45am and im still stuck

Hey! You can send the AIA if possible. I can try to fix it up.