Live test Compainion not working

im making a whatsapp status app with the best designing but suddenly makeroid change into kodular and i cant use the live test compainion my work is pending , i also go on but nothing happen plz help me im so frustrated

according to…?

you have the solution of live test

Wait until it is fixed. The shift to Kodular is a huge change and the developers are working very hard to make it as seamless as possible. :slight_smile:

it so shame all the things are working only live test is not working god say how many time it take to

Are you using the latest version of the companion?

means ? i download the makeroid campaniion four days ago

That’s the cause of the problem. Update your companion to the latest version from the Play Store.
And yes it’s Kodular now :kodular: not Makeroid :makeroid: :wink:.

when I add surface view mine new Kodular companion crashes, can anyone try this ? so I know it is me or not :slight_smile:

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