Load HTML crash

When the bug will be resolved? It takes so long.

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What did you mean​:interrobang::interrobang::interrobang:

The bug fix will take as long as the others. But my hopes for that are shrinking.
I hope Kodular is not dead…

Ye. I wanted to come back to finish my project but there are many things not working. I just went for flutter. Firebase component using very old sdk it even doesn’t work with server other than US becuase of new link syntax like firebase.app instead of firebase.io. Kodular is good for beginners and very simple apps but its impossible to finish bigger project.


I developed a big Social Media App in Kodular but it is falling apart because of Kodular changes and Bugs.

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Don’t use Kodular native webviewer component. use this extension:

This bug doesn’t happen there and the extension has tons of others great resources. It is one of the best extensions ever made.

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Instead you could use


This this also crashing…

Show the blocks please.


Chunny gupta ji check this code

Who is he? :thinking:

Btw, I didn’t ask for a shortened link.
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