Lottie crash app

Ok. Let me find out the problem! :grinning: I will be back soon.

Data security on Lottiefiles. Free Lottie, Bodymovin Animation

In fact from yesterday to today I downloaded 15 different json from the lottie website and all have the same error.

Ok, tested the aia. Sorry to inform, the lottie file seems not working. Use any other lottie.

I tested countless lotties from the site, downloaded over 12 and all show the same bug, and to make sure each downloaded lottie was from a different creator,

I don’t think so! I tried 4+ lottie file on your aia . Every file is working, except the Door Animation.

Tip: If your app is online app, then set lottie using url Instead of json.

I tested with url and gives the same problem
It’s funny that one of those lotties had used before eagle and it works and after eagle I can’t do it anymore, not even creating a new project as an example I sent you.

and it all started happening after the eagle update

Another point is that in the lottie application the files open without problems, so the error cannot be in the file but in the component reading json.

Cross check your blocks with this-

you tested this url https://assets4.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_tCCSYl.json and it worked ?

1st one is not working… 2nd one is working.

I just saw that the problem is in kodular, I tested on other app creators like thunkable and mit and the json file opens normally, when I take the same file and put it in kodular it makes the application stop working.

Also to be sure I downloaded exactly 100 files from the site from yesterday to today and they all show the same error in kodular.
It is impossible for all 100 to have the same error, because in the lottie application downloaded from the playstore the files open without problems.

Please provide 4-5 lottie links (that were not working) to check if the problem is on Kodular on somewhere else.


And again, all 5 of these open in other app creators, or playstore lottie apps, only kodular error happens.

Let me check…

Hi @petrusrpenha , it seems a bug! But not every lottie behaves like this!

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hallelujah to what end you saw it is a bug!
so please see the fix as soon as possible, many use this component.

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Yea I am Also Facing This issue

any updates ? :innocent:

any updates ?