Lottie Files Performance Problem

Hello coders.
I make a anroid app and ı use lottie files in app. if ı use the 1 or 2 lottie animations no problem but if ı use the 3 or more lottie animations app is slowdown please help me
My device Samsung Galaxy j7 Prıme ı guess problem not device problem lottie
no problem

performance problem slowdown

May I ask why do you need 3 or more lottie in a single screen? It looks weird!

ı lıke animations and its look nice and users lıke animations card
example but ı not use picture ı use lottie animations

Can’t say anything in details as you’ve not shared blocks.


  1. Use idle mode to load.
  2. Use lottie from Asset.

Lottie in card wiew
Opera Anlık Görüntü_2020-10-12_191609_creator.kodular.io

What type of animations you are using?
If possible look for any extension like Phase by @Shreyash to use animations in your app…

Or you can also use Animations Until component I think