Merry Christmas everyone, I present my app for you guys to test

Good morning everyone, first, Merry Christmas everyone, I come today to present an app that I am developing, I would like you to install and give your opinions, I thank the kodular team for being able to realize a great dream of creating app, you are fantastic

Short description: This is a church app, the goal is to post daily news, all linked to Airtable, I can post wherever I am, hope you enjoy it.

Link of Play Store

updated application, got smaller, faster, and activated the functions it was missing,

new version

Igreja_Avivamento (2).apk (7.6 MB)

mockuper (3)|666x500


But what is your app about. Juts tell a small description about it


Merry Christmas @tiagoramos030312

I’ll surely test it and give you a feedback

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I just downloaded the app btw i cant understand the language but the design is very good and the app looks very professional. :grinning:

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thank you @Fabio , your opinions are very important to me

thank you @themaayur not yet had time to translate to other languages, thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it

A very professional app with an excellent design and content, congratulations!
I’ve tested it and found out that the menu options “fale conosco” and “Avaliar app” are not working properly as they are triggering the option to “share the app”.

I’m working on a similar app and here is a suggestion. When user clicked on a post, instead of closing and opening another screen where users read it. Just open the screen without closing and close the other screen when user pressed the back button so that it won’t refresh everytime user read a post.

thanks @Fabio , I’m very happy for your opinion, yes of course, I have not set up to go to play store and another to contact, but thanks for your opinion, I appreciate it

that’s cool, very good, thank you friend, so I had done this the way you said, but since I can’t use refrech to update, so I had to do that, open another screen to load,

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That’s the same thing happened to me too :sweat_smile: what about a refresh button? But nvm it’s fine if you keep like that also. :relaxed:

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yes this will be very useful

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is any one also facing this issue

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thank you for your opinion, I will correct now, your opinions are very important to me

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