MIT App Inventor Hackathon 2020

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when i opened a mail, there was link of Slack workspace, when i registered there i was the first, after some time, other 2 came

A FAQ for questions about the Hackathon

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so, we can use extension in app :heart_eyes: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Yes,that’s a good news :grin::grin::grin:

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It means we can use any free extension available.

only if the extension author gives written permission to redistribute the extension.


that’s what I meant

But if the extension is free then why did we need permission form author.

Actually this is my first time for any compitition so I don’t know what exactly it means.

Because a piece of software is free of cost does not automatically make it free to redistribute. :slight_smile:


Ok, Got it. I don’t think so any author will refuse to use it.

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what if extension developers are participating and they use their own extension, they need their own written permission to redistribute it??


This screenshot is from slack, ask your dought/queries about hackathon there. Organizer are answering all the questions.


Can we use some paid materials like font awesome pro ttf or otf?

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I think no.
If some devs will use paid assets then competition can’t be called fair.It should be equal for all.

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but why…?

Everyone has not money :innocent:
That’s why you can’t use paid extensions in your app.

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hmm ok, it was my friend who provided it :blush:

Can I apply now