Monetization approval time

Hi kodular team I have submitted for monetization for my app cyber 1week 4 days ago…still it is review state . Please reply something . There is no response from kodular team. This makes me very disappointment … you’re requested to reply to this post please.:crying_cat_face::crying_cat_face::crying_cat_face:

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Welcome to the Community.
The app approval is a manual process and take time. Please be patient.
If your description are good it will be faster and if your app contains webviews it take longer.

Some apps take up to 30 Days depending on it Content.

my app has took a long time…

More that 30 days? :thinking:

2 weeks and 5 days :frowning:

It may take upto 30 days even for some apps. It depends upon your app type,… Also I heard that if app contains webview, it takes more time…(not sure)…
see :
Monetization guidelines - Kodular Docs

Happ2Help :slight_smile:

Maybe now only have to wait until 30 days… :joy:

Please monetization approval me…