Musico- Online Music Player App

Musico- Online Music Player App
Hi, today i am introducing the online music player app and this app contain the following mentioned features. Main attractive feature is maintenance screen.

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  1. Splash Screen
  2. Professional Dashboard
  3. Search the music online
  4. Category’s
  5. Artist wise music
  6. Contact us
  7. App Update Popup

  1. Push Notification
  2. Banner Image Slider

Admin app:

  1. Upload image of image slider from admin
  2. Upload Music
  3. Display Update popup
  4. Switch To Maintenance Screen

All Screenshots:

Test App:

What Inside Package?
Main App Aia + Admin App Aia + Guide Videos + Database links + 24/7 Support

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Great UI design. Loved it… :star_struck:

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Thanks @Kshitij

Nice UI :heart_eyes:

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if u kept on making ui’s like this i will take long ui designing lectures from u :joy:

anyways great app :+1:


I adore you :joy::sweat_smile:


Br0 i found something

Thank you @oseamiya @Ekansh_Pandit @Mustafa_KARATAS and @yashaggarwal376 Thanks for feedback

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Hi how are u fix u app because wen i click (get) for example to getting aia its not showing…

i not understand? in aia store aia is not displaying? if not then this is may be your week internet

Yes because it shows to me. All aia files are clearly visible.

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works perfectly in companion
but cant export

share purchase invoice in DM

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Nice Ui :heart:

check its upgraded version it has premium feature like enable or disable the lyrics optionwith that you can control music from notification pannel.