My app always crash after kodular 1.5.2 update

You Are Using Storage Components
Make Crashes For Now

Which component? Download component? So what method for now? Please

There Are Some Bugs In Storage Component Try To Wait Bug Fixes :slightly_smiling_face:

So sad for that…i lost a long time to building my project and preparing ro update on play store … Then after one night … I must wait more again … :frowning:

It Takes 1 to 2 Days No Longer


I hope that…thank for response.

Ya It’s Right Do Not Use Tiny DB In screen or Wait For Bug Fixes

I just store file in download folder. Not custom folder…:frowning:

Don’t Worry My Apps Also Work On Spread Sheet Waiting For Kodular :grin::grin::sweat_smile:

Hope kodular will fix that as soon as … I really worry for my app can update before november…:sweat_smile:

Can you send me the APK?

Me to after update also i checkd my app no problum files are downloading…

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You can send it in my DM.

Show the (relevant) blocks.
On which Android version did you test the (app) APK?
If you have the opportunity, then also test the APK on a device with Android < 10.

  • show block : Which block? I have total more than 2000 blocks
  • i have tested on android 11. But before kodular update, my app working normal.

As I said the relevant blocks (where you are storing something).

All of this might cause


Follow Taifun’s advice as we have no idea of what your app does…

I am not using anything that you indicated in the picture. my app apk is closing.

After updating kodular phoenix, the application closes and the application name is unreadable

Any extension using which stores something in storage ?