I haven’t used anything in my app just some simple blocks, label etc nothing related to analytics, ads, tracking. So I have written this privacy policy, suggest me if I need to add or remove something.
Here it is:
We do not collect any of the user data and there are no ads in the app. The app is built with Kodular with some easy blocks and Tiny DB for storing user preferences.
If you don’t think so why are you create topic here ? Are you obsessed with permissions ?
A privacy policy is a document that explains how an organization or App or Website handles any customer, client or employee information gathered in its operations .
And what do you mean by this ? Tiny DB is not the actual name of this component it’s called Shared Preferences and how normal user understand the tiny db and all this.
Privacy policy is made for user not for google only to understand the transparency of their data.
Make it simple and clean and yes it is important if you published it on google play.
This is the best website for making ready made privacy policy here you find the format.