My App keeps stopping error pops up, when I try to open it closes

I export the application and open it, but it closes immediately. No problem while testing. app keeps stopping error pops up
What can I do? I can send Aia

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didn’t work

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PqueenSesleri2 (1).aia (375.2 KB)

The first thing i found was an Parse Error.
Change your Version Name to something like

Trying it right now with ADB LogCat.

About Screen Title in Screen1 was empty
PqueenSesleri2_1.aia (375.0 KB)


You said didn’t work… but the result is. :point_down:

So please read the topic well and try. :+1::+1:

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ahh sorry. How did I not notice. Thank you.

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wait. Kodular removed my ads. existed before that
How can it be?

For you make the change in you old project or upload the Aia from Dora?

I just filled in the blank text in my project and when I downloaded and try it, there were no ads.

Mh that’s Strange.
I think I can’t help you.
Make sure you use your original Project.

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