My feedback about Makeroid

Hi all,

I have made some tests about migration to AppyBuilder and Makeroid and I saw that AppyBuilder was not able to receive my project, while with Makeroid was a huge success!!! Besides I’ve noticed that the Thunkable team is not worried about some problems I demonstrated in the forum, but in Makeroid forum I had the answers quickly, so I decided to have Makeroid as my ONLY ONE platform to develop my projects.

I know that many of you develop in those 3 platforms, but in my case I don’t want, for example, to start a project in AppyBuilder, because it is not compatible with Thunkable.

That said, let’s make MAKEROID BETTER FOR EVER!!!


Thanks for the lovely words.
We are giving all our best.

But at all:
Please do not forget that makeroid is our hobby and not job.
We read all, but sometimes it need some time to integrate all ideas or else. :slight_smile:


Yes, I know, Mika, but your answers are FASTER than Thunkable’ ones… :grin:


Haha :smile:
I think this is (I hope) not the only difference :smile:


hahaha of course!!! :joy:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Some personal thoughts