My simple 'Night Mode' extension

I did not think about it :sweat_smile:

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Hello dear Mika
It would be great if you could create an extension for the night and day mode.

If night mode return false then day mode active.


Which so far dark mode Extention make?

I don’t think this extension would work with app inventor, because app inventor uses the new androidx support library, but it looks like the extension is still using the old support library, which won’t work, except in kodular.


Oh… A few months ago this extension was working… Thank you for your answer

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You’re welcome

Because app inventor wasn’t yet updated to support the new support library.

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Very practical and useful
To upgrade the work level

Nice good.
This help me so much
Thank you!!

Since Kodular updated its libraries, the extension no longer works :cold_sweat:
The people need you @Mika!

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You can meanwhile recast the extension:


I used Recast to make the extension compatible with Kodular Fenix. I am giving it to you here for you to use, it will be faster than installing Recast
NightMode.aix (5.3 KB)


Running results in:

Runtime Error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v7/app/AppCompatDelegate;

With this code:

This also happens in the demo AIA. Any help?

They dropped support for android support libraries.

Thanks, but is there any way of fixing it? Else there would just be no dark mode support at all.

Try this one :point_down:


Thanks, that worked! I must have missed that version :sweat_smile:

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Thank you so much for this amazing extension. I was finding it from a week can you please add some keywords like system, detect, theming so that others like me can also find it in future.

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Me too… I also have that error