MySQL Data Sort Issue

I’m testing MySQL For my New Project.
I Used Deephost MySQL Extension Which Is Based on @Taifun Web Method.
my Problem is that I want to get data sort by ID But It’s get data Randomly.
Example I want to get data by 1,2,3,4,5
But It Show Like This 5,3,1,4
I Search This on Youtube and follow this YouTube method but my problem is still there

Here i Attached Some Screenshots

My Blocks

Data Stored On MySQL

MySQL Order Settings

And i try to get data, it shows like this

I Want To Get Data ID Wise Example: 1,2,3,4

Can you tell me which method is fast
Deephost MySQL Extension Or @Taifun WebMethod ?

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What about posting image of query and database photo

You can use ORDER BY in your query
column1 [ASC|DESC]

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I used this code to order:

/////////// OBTENER ORDENADO - GET SORT  /////////
	$hacer = mysqli_query ($link, "SELECT * FROM personas ORDER BY `$Columna` ASC");

I Used This Method But It’s Not Work

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Can You Tell me which is best @Taifun Web Method Or Deephost Extension

Friend, the tip from @George_Loungos was good tip
The Select command has an order by clause that allows you to order as you wish.
The tip @juananton1991 is also another good tip.
There are 3 types of access mentioned in this topic: @Taifun , Deep Host and @juananton1991 In short: Deep Host has a history of not being supported.
Indicate reading SQL commands.

i thought that has been solved(as i know) or you still facing the same issue?

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How you solved

@msr79526 in mysql site php my admin, when you open you database, there you will see an option of “Oprations” after selecting that,you will see an option, “Alter table order by” in that select your column for example column name is “ID” select that and select option Ascending below and set go. and you will get list on order.


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