Need Help with Blocks (List)

I’m fairly new to Kodular and app development, but I find it really exciting to develop this skill. I’ve taken the step to create a task list app. However, when I add a new task, it doesn’t appear on the main screen.

Here’s the flow:

  • The app opens.
  • I press the “Add Task” button, which opens a new screen with a text field and a button to add the task.
  • Pressing the button also navigates back to the main screen where the list is displayed.

Unfortunately, the task never shows up in the list on the main screen.

I’ve attached screenshots of Screen1 and the “Add Task” screen. Could someone have a look and help me figure out what’s going wrong?

Thank you so much in advance!


Add task screen

The Initialize event will not be triggered after closing a screen
Read your task list always before setting the listview elements
Or use the OtherScreenClosed event to set the global variable

Sometimes it is easier to use one screen and virtual “screens” to avoud screen changing issues, see also tip 1 here General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor/Kodular


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I appreciate your guidance and support, it was quite comprehensive. As you suggested in your previous messages, I followed it, and it works wonderfully. :blush: I would like to bring to your notice that the tips you provided in the link are very useful as well!

  • Rohan
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