I’ve been looking on similar topics for hours but nothing seems to fit my needs.
I have 2 apps. The first one is for users only (probably going to Playstore once it’s finished) and the second one is for the Admins only and will be shared as .apk file (only 4 people will have access to it).
Here’s the problem: I want the users of the first app to only be able to read the data from firebase, while the admins (who use the second app) be able to just write to the database. So basically the admins will put data to the Firebase database and the users will be able to get that data.
I have enabled sign-in as shown below (and also finished the basic firebase setup, imported the google-services.json file to both apps, added them both to firebase, added the SHA1 fingerprint etc.):
it is because kodular’s firebase component doesn’t have a method to get idtoken of a user. all the security rules works only if you provide the idtoken. there is one firebase extension in community which allows to get id token and won’t see this error but google sign in is not that easy in the extension. here’s the link.com.mirxtremapps.FirebaseAuth.aix (37.8 KB)
I got the Google I’d tokem and it works.
But there is a problem it only registers and unable to add gmail Id.It only adds an user in Firebase but without gmail id.
I’ve already voted. Hope it gets added some time in the future.
So basically Kodular won’t work with firebase databases that aren’t set to test mode so I need to use that extension which requires Google ID Token but can’t be obtained? If I make the users register via Email/Password will it work?
bro you need a new id token genrated for every new user. So even if we use this method then we have to manuallly genrate id token of each user make hime sign in. which is not possible. only way to do this is at SDK Level. either we need integrate the sdk in kodular.