New Commissions System

Actually, this is wrong… If you get Fill Error, we also get it. You base your proposal on the assumption that we get 100% fill rate.


okay, let Kodular have 30 ads and the fill rate is 70% (which is same to Users) . So, after doing Maths, I find that Kodular is still in Profit . Now, Kodular has 21 ads = 21 %. It’s better than 10% .

And it really better for Users to have 100% of their profits.

Also, we know Kodular uses Startapp ads . So, the Startapp fill rate is 95% Because it is a CPI network(Pays only if ad clicked and app installed ) and all CPI ad Networks provide around 100% Fill rate because there is no Profit and Loss for Developers and Advertisers for showing ads

While Kodular has none?
Why do you think so?
How will Kodular work if their earnings are stopped?

please read the full post before replying

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Hello dear Kodular, I understand the review that you must do with each application and I also imagine the work that this implies, however, I see some faults that this process has.
In my case, I already had an approved app, however, before uploading it to the PLay Store I found an error in a simple name within the application, when correcting it, it went to review again, this makes you have a double job and lost time for us developers. I think you should have some change comparison algorithm, so that if the changes are not big you don’t have to go back into the approval process.

PS: I hope kodular sticks around forever as it is a great tool for creators.

Request :pray:

Please consider prograssive commesion system i can’t update my apps due to download component storage permission issue on shared folders(downloads Folder)

Please consider @Diego its a humble request

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