New Extension: ScienceUtils for All Your Scientific Calculations!

I’m excited to share my new extension, ScienceUtils! This extension provides a wide range of scientific calculations and functions to help with various scientific and physics problems. :tada::microscope:

:sparkles: Key Features :sparkles:

:arrows_counterclockwise: Conversions:

  • Radians to Degrees :triangular_ruler:
  • Degrees to Radians :triangular_ruler:
  • Celsius to Fahrenheit :thermometer:
  • Fahrenheit to Celsius :thermometer:
  • Celsius to Kelvin :thermometer:
  • Kelvin to Celsius :thermometer:
  • Fahrenheit to Kelvin :thermometer:
  • Kelvin to Fahrenheit :thermometer:

:straight_ruler: Geometric Calculations:

  • Area of a Circle :large_blue_circle:
  • Circumference of a Circle :large_blue_circle:
  • Area of a Rectangle :black_square_button:
  • Area of a Triangle :small_red_triangle:
  • Volume and Surface Area of 3D Shapes (Cone, Sphere, Cylinder, Pyramid, Wedge, etc.) :art:
  • Area of a Parallelogram, Trapezoid, and Ellipse :large_orange_diamond:
  • Distance Between Two Points (2D and 3D) :straight_ruler:

:atom_symbol: Physics Calculations:

  • Gravitational Force :earth_africa:
  • Escape Velocity :rocket:
  • Period of a Pendulum :hourglass_flowing_sand:
  • Force of Friction :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Pressure, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Work Done, Power, Acceleration, Momentum, Impulse :muscle:
  • Centripetal Force :cyclone:
  • Orbital Period of a Satellite :artificial_satellite:
  • Lorentz Factor, Time Dilation, Length Contraction in Special Relativity :rocket:
  • Angle of Incidence and Refraction in Optics :telescope:
  • Photon Energy, Frequency, and Wavelength Calculations :star2:

:jigsaw: Blocks Overview :jigsaw:

Function Parameters Description
RadiansToDegrees radians (double) Convert radians to degrees
DegreesToRadians degrees (double) Convert degrees to radians
CelsiusToFahrenheit celsius (double) Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
FahrenheitToCelsius fahrenheit (double) Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
CelsiusToKelvin celsius (double) Convert Celsius to Kelvin
KelvinToCelsius kelvin (double) Convert Kelvin to Celsius
FahrenheitToKelvin fahrenheit (double) Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin
KelvinToFahrenheit kelvin (double) Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
AreaOfCircle radius (double) Calculate the area of a circle
CircumferenceOfCircle radius (double) Calculate the circumference of a circle
AreaOfRectangle length, width (double) Calculate the area of a rectangle
AreaOfTriangle base, height (double) Calculate the area of a triangle
VolumeOfCone radius, height (double) Calculate the volume of a cone
SurfaceAreaOfSphere radius (double) Calculate the surface area of a sphere
VolumeOfSphere radius (double) Calculate the volume of a sphere
SurfaceAreaOfCylinder radius, height (double) Calculate the surface area of a cylinder
VolumeOfCylinder radius, height (double) Calculate the volume of a cylinder
AreaOfTrapezoid base1, base2, height (double) Calculate the area of a trapezoid
AreaOfEllipse majorAxis, minorAxis (double) Calculate the area of an ellipse
VolumeOfPyramid baseArea, height (double) Calculate the volume of a pyramid
SurfaceAreaOfCone radius, slantHeight (double) Calculate the surface area of a cone
AreaOfParallelogram base, height (double) Calculate the area of a parallelogram
VolumeOfTetrahedron edgeLength (double) Calculate the volume of a tetrahedron
SurfaceAreaOfParallelepiped length, width, height (double) Calculate the surface area of a parallelepiped
AreaOfRegularPolygon sideLength, numberOfSides (double, int) Calculate the area of a regular polygon
SurfaceAreaOfTorus majorRadius, minorRadius (double) Calculate the surface area of a torus
VolumeOfFrustum radius1, radius2, height (double) Calculate the volume of a frustum
LateralSurfaceAreaOfCone radius, slantHeight (double) Calculate the lateral surface area of a cone
VolumeOfWedge length, width, height (double) Calculate the volume of a wedge
SurfaceAreaOfWedge length, width, height (double) Calculate the surface area of a wedge
AreaOfSector radius, angleInDegrees (double) Calculate the area of a sector
LateralSurfaceAreaOfCylinder radius, height (double) Calculate the lateral surface area of a cylinder
VolumeOfRectangularPrism length, width, height (double) Calculate the volume of a rectangular prism
LateralSurfaceAreaOfPyramid basePerimeter, slantHeight (double) Calculate the lateral surface area of a pyramid
DistanceBetweenPoints2D x1, y1, x2, y2 (double) Calculate the distance between two points in 2D
DistanceBetweenPoints3D x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 (double) Calculate the distance between two points in 3D
Density mass, volume (double) Calculate the density of an object
GravitationalForce mass1, mass2, distance (double) Calculate the gravitational force between two masses
EscapeVelocity mass, radius (double) Calculate the escape velocity from a celestial body
PeriodOfPendulum length, gravity (double) Calculate the period of a pendulum
ForceOfFriction normalForce, coefficientOfFriction (double) Calculate the force of friction
Pressure force, area (double) Calculate the pressure exerted by a force
KineticEnergy mass, velocity (double) Calculate the kinetic energy of an object
PotentialEnergy mass, height, gravity (double) Calculate the potential energy of an object
WorkDone force, distance (double) Calculate the work done by a force
Power workDone, time (double) Calculate the power generated by work done
Acceleration initialVelocity, finalVelocity, time (double) Calculate the acceleration of an object
Momentum mass, velocity (double) Calculate the momentum of an object
Impulse force, time (double) Calculate the impulse applied to an object
CentripetalForce mass, velocity, radius (double) Calculate the centripetal force acting on an object
OrbitalPeriod semiMajorAxis, mass (double) Calculate the period of a satellite orbiting a body
LorentzFactor velocity, speedOfLight (double) Calculate the Lorentz factor for an object moving at a given velocity
TimeDilation properTime, velocity, speedOfLight (double) Calculate time dilation in special relativity
LengthContraction properLength, velocity, speedOfLight (double) Calculate length contraction in special relativity
AngleOfIncidence angleOfRefraction, refractiveIndex1, refractiveIndex2 (double) Calculate the angle of incidence based on Snell’s Law
AngleOfRefraction angleOfIncidence, refractiveIndex1, refractiveIndex2 (double) Calculate the angle of refraction based on Snell’s Law
PhotonEnergy frequency, wavelength (double) Calculate the energy of a photon
PhotonFrequency energy, wavelength (double) Calculate the frequency of a photon
PhotonWavelength energy, frequency (double) Calculate the wavelength of a photon

:wrench: Technical Details :wrench:

  • Temporary Name: ScienceUtils is just a placeholder. Please suggest a better name if you have any ideas! :bulb:
  • No Imports Used: This extension is built using only basic Java functions for calculations, such as Math.toDegrees(), Math.sqrt(), and Math.pow(). :1234:
  • Formulas: All calculations are based on researched formulas. Suggestions for improvements and bug reports are welcome! :hammer_and_wrench:

Feel free to try it out and let me know your feedback. I’m eager to hear your thoughts and ideas! :blush:

Download the Extension: ScienceUtils.aix (13.3 KB)



is it possible to sum csv file data ?

Example 10,20,10,30\n20,10,20,30\n10,10,10,20\n20,30,20,10 Like csv data and its Looks


Like this

Currently, the ScienceUtils extension does not have a built-in feature for summing CSV file data. However, I’m happy to let you know that I will try to add this feature in the next update!

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WOW Great Please Add this option or make separate extension for CSV data format extension Like Sum, Count, Length of Data , Find Duplicate Data, Remove Duplicate Data Etc. its help me a lot

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I love your suggestions for a CSV data format extension with features like summing data, counting, finding and removing duplicates, and more! Right now, I’m focused on another extension, but I’m definitely keeping your idea in mind for a future project. In the meantime, you might want to check the community for similar extensions—there could be something that fits your needs!

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actually I am searching since last 2 days but unfortunately I didn’t find any extension or proper solution which can help in CSV data format anyway I will touch with it please take your time and if possible make the extension for it … :roll_eyes: