[NEW PRICE Aia] 🛺 Complete Delivery system: Delivery app (+Real-Time Tracking) + Rider app + Admin app

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I’m interested.! air price.? please. first of all, Thanks

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thanks for your message.

I wrote to you in private :slight_smile:


hello, is there a demo app?

is it possible to add Arabic and can i update the model

if more than one delivery available who will get notification regarding delivery?

How long does it takes to receive the complete app after payment?

Very detail project. You Think share apk for test?

Hi, I am interested in exploring your app. Pls connect via DM

Hi all!,

Sorry for the delay in the response.

You can find the 3 apk apps at this address, under “Download”:

Thank you and I remain at your disposal.


Done :slight_smile:

Thank you for your DM.


Hi, can i buy this aia ? How much for now?