Not able to send photo in chat view

it is so easy

Then show me please

Chatapp(1).aia (765.5 KB)
my chat app

yes sure
use component open next screen with start value for carrying the picture to the next screen and use tiny db to store the text and get it in next screen with the help of get value

No this is not my question .

I can get profile picture from start value.its fine.

But my que is when in chat screen when I send images to other user ,that user gets only image url.

use a block called

I have added already this block and tried but it send only url of that image to other end user on my chat

try this when firebase got value as image get image url and get chatview view image the url

This is still unsolved problem for chat app.

Show your up to date blocks.

someone pls reply

No one is really don’t know ?? Hoe to send images in chat app

Chat view is recycler view and recycler view may have errors , it is prefer to use dynamic component if chat view is not working

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