Notification Listener for 3rd Party app

I have tested with app but it is showing null value for title:"". Don’t know why. Other apps showing title also. Is it possible to solve. @Atom_Developer

Notification Screenshot


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maybe its not a title ( its a

yes. there should be more notification parameters then we can able to fetch complete notifications.

@Atom_Developer Please add more Parameters/Strings to read complete notification.

To add new methods in the extension I think the right way is to contact the developer and be a sponsor for such method :slightly_smiling_face:

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I Think there is very minor update required to solve this issue. After that Extension will rock…
Because it has unlimited use cases…

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Downloaded .aia file and instaled on my Samsung Galaxy S9+ Android 10.
But app crashed!
So, i remake the new app, block by block, and install.
But app crashed!

Any idea?

my notification listener extension currently only works in MIT App Inventor…
you have to use the adjusted extension version by @Atom_Developer from here (post 50)


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Thanks @Taifun and @Atom_Developer

How to copy image inside the notification?
Anything idea?

this is not implemented
feel free to use the sources of the extension and adjust it to your needs


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Having an issue with retrieving tinydb values (returns empty).

Please excuse my inexperience in advance.

Figured it out after re-reading @khalsaket post.

Needed to use tinydb namespace NotificationListener instead of TaifunNotificationListener

I also tried Crashing in latest security patch

It will not work in Kodular, at least without modifying manifest.

please elaborate what exactly you are talking about and which version of the extension you are using
for Kodular you have to use the adjusted version by @Atom_Developer


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Yes thanks for it. I don’t know about it. One person given me a source code. So, i little confused about problem during app open bug report

you might want to read the documentation App Inventor Extensions: Notification Listener | Pura Vida Apps


But Dear Taifun, We Don’t Have any Problem Regarding Extension., Problem is that extension not getting notification properly. It needs to be upgraded. Like if notification is in bunch it will result as “ 36 Notification ” or not getting big picture or anything. All the data of notification must be stored. It needs to be upgraded.