Open a new page for the card view schema

My problem is open a new page if the variable mesa = 1 or two

Are you comparing that to value 3? Use the component id.

i have to compare the label mesa to 1, 2 ,3 ,4 โ€ฆ

Get the return component + block GetComponent + GetId

im not understanding

This return :
Use it with the getcomponent and getid blocks and you will have the id of which component was clicked. You gave IDs for your components and through that ID you find out who was clicked

What are you doubtful about? I looked at your block and you already use the return โ€œcomponentโ€ and GetbyId

I have to compare to this label image

Why ? Label contains the table number, right? and the ID does not contain the same number?



if I make for this way i open the screen 1,2,3 but i like to make for the table 1,3,2

Friend, when clicking on any Cardview, the Click Any CardView block returns which component you clicked on. It doesnโ€™t matter the order.
Clicked on cardview 1 - open screen 1
Clicked on cardview 2 - open screen 2
Clicked on cardview 3 - open screen 3
Clicked on cardview N - open screen N โ€ฆ
Clicked on cardview 1 - open screen 789098876678
Clicked on cardview 3 - open screen 2 โ€ฆ
Clicked on cardview 2 - open screen 1 โ€ฆ

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Yes, But i like the card view return the value of label mesa

Through the globalId1 list, are you unable to get the airtable line and thus get the column value?
GetCell - Row Number - Column Name

As, can you explain better pls