[OS/ Beta] Google Translate Extension

I’m sorry, it works well, I probably tried to translate too many times (because it did not work) anyway now everything works fine!

If you want to translate too many times, you can use the other extension (now it’s free).

Unfortunately Google block the ip for 20/30 minutes if you send too many translations request.
I have tried to fix this problem, but couldn’t fix it.

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How is the second extension different that can be done with it?

Honestly I don’t know how it was done, you could ask the developer.


Can you make camera translate

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You can use OCR component and after getting text you can translate it


i want live translation.Can you help me

amazing extention




@DevYB Can we do it using ocr?

Is it possible with this version to use it offline after saving languages in external storage beforehand?

No, it’s not possible.

Now DevYb Google Translate is open source.
Happy coding! :slight_smile:


Thank you for contributing to the community. Excellent Extension.

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I’m sorry for the delay in seeing this extension my new job demands a lot of time.
Excellent work :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:
This is FREE !!! Thanks so much !!!

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That’s an amazing extension, and I will use it for sure.
But I think it is important to say that Google doesn’t oficially allows it.
In others words, it wouldn’t be surprising if the extension gets blocked or stop working at any time. I didn’t try to see how it works exactly, but if it is not the official way than there is always this risk.

I suggest the users of this extension to have yandex as a backup plan in case the extension stop working.

I think You are right. I also read somewhere on stackoverflow that google don’t want this kind of use. I think this a Backdoor to use their service.
Btw,yandex don’t deliver free Api Keys anymore. The yandex translation component without any api key in Appinventor is still working.

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hey when i am using this extension instead of yandex translate (which i used previously) it says my app has stopped

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whaaaaaat? I didn"t know that. Man, that is a big setback for small developers with no intention to monetize or spend money with their apps.

This Extensions Is Work Good Thanks DevYBAyoub Mounchid