Order history and order status in app

can you help me …i want to craete an app such that…Just like an store …in which someone can buy and…i want to add feature like …order history,and order status…and i have used airtable to store signup data of the user…and i used device id for automic login when user reopen the app…i just want to learn how i can create order history for each unique customer…

Very simple if you follow any database such as firebase, airtable or googlesheet

I am not able to create block for that… :persevere: :persevere:

I would be thankful if someone guide mein in this project…

Read here

let me see if it works for me

Whatever database you choose, first try and if you found any error just post here. All will help you. For limited users you can choose firebase. More number of users you need to use google sheet

Refer here for gsheet

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