[PAID] BookFlipView - Make your Image Curl

I really unable to understand ?? Anyone can help me understanding their words

what do you mean by layout ??

In the setup view block where we input list of images so instead of that @Point want to use Arrangements.

Or is asking if it’s possible to do that.

in Setup View . we have two parameters one is Layout for arrangement and another one is Images for input of List of images .

and have a look a this

sorry if I misunderstood @Point and @themaayur

This is super cool! :smiley:

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thanks @charlesaccount

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Nice !! Keep it up :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

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What do you mean by this :sweat_smile:??

Nothing ignore it

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add some sounds on flip

well better extension i mean not better very ok.
well i am feeling bit sleepy this gave me an idea also try adding text to speech


according to me , adding sound is not a good idea on page curl. it will start breaking the voice in some cases


not in kindle.
like try to add it with aan option

Great Extension! @AryanGupta

I had been working on a similar extension but since you made it, now I had to stop :sweat_smile:


Great extension!


thanks @WatermelonIce and Happy birthday :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Thanks @kishore

thanks @Thuva

Good one :+1:t2:

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@mikkupoocha thanks

No dear, try to understand My point… and look for possible solution.

Component to image is bad idea here. I hope you understand this​:wink:

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Why you need this ?? @Learn_Engineering