[PAID]no thing here

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Thank you for your contribution!

Can you explain, why we should use your extension instead of the web component, which seems to offer already all functionality?

Can you explain this? For me it looks more complicated to put together a json string, which seems to be necessary for SetData… are you familiar to work with the web component and an API? Here is a guide: [GUIDE] All About API Integration in Kodular

Please also provide a short documentation of all the available blocks and their purpose

The methods SetData, SetMethod and SetUtl should be properties… you also can remove the “Set” in their name…

SetData seems to be a mixture of setting a header and data… Your blocks btw. do not make much sense… First you set the header, then you set it again to empty string???
What are the allowed values for SetMethod?

Also what is the price of the extension?



Hi , this is so easy than web component you only copy , paste the data or headers as string :heart:

No it is not
Maybe you can show us in an example what you are copying and pasting?
I then can show you how simple it would be doing the same using the web component…


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