[PAID] ESC/POS Thermal Printing extension (Bluetooth/Network)

I can buy it a long time ago, I think it was one of the last times the developer was active

I apologize to all the user i couldn’t reply to. I had some personal issues so i wasn’t offering the extension. I will respond all DM’s now on.


Hello, how can I get the extension? I’ll take it now.
And also, does this extension also support QRCode printing?
If you can provide me with an aia example with the extension?
For information: I connect to a bluetooth thermal printer.

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@global_web_security :point_up_2:

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@mmnettime , please because I need this extension very urgently. Send me your paypal account so I can make a payment.

I already responded your DM

Hi! I updated the extension a little bit. I also included a demo apk so people can test if this solution works with their printers. I also increased the price a little bit. As the extension could be purchased now on Payhip.

You could still pay via Paypal and now Credit or Debit Cards and right after the purchase you could download the extension.

@mmnettime I have a USB printer and I want to use your extension, pm me to discuss it better, I have paypal

Pleasse conact me back i need this extension , i will buy it (mod: removed contact number)

Extension works like a charme!
But is there a way to send a pdf directly to the printer?

I have a bixolon printer which could print pdf directly.
From windows it works like a charme, also if I use the mPrint app.

Or maybe how to trigger the android print function, this could work also.

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Currently pdf are not supported, maybe converting the pdf pages to an image would work

At some point will support be added for the generic Cat model?
It is a very economical and portable printer, I tried to connect but it fails.

can it to print pdf file to thermal printer ?

can to use print pdr from webview to bluetooth print

Read the thread friend.

My following blocks work without problems on one screen but when I replicate them on another I get an error.

Attempting to call virtual method ‘android.graphics.Bitmap android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable.getBitmap ()’ on a null object reference

It only fails when printing via Bluetooth, the path is correct, the file is created and exists, I can share it, but not print.

I tried with several names, also previously deleting the file and nothing works

Ask for permission in Screen 1 and do it as shown here


I have no permission problems, the connection is established without problems, the problem is in selecting the image, in the same project but another screen it works and prints, but when replicating the blocks it does not

Specifically, the problem is at this point, however the File_Path is correct, in fact if I use share the file is attached


Remove those permission blocks then, they do not make sense

Use Do it to debug your blocks
Does the ThermalPrinting.Image method return a list?
