[Paid] Glide - An image loading and caching extension for focused on smooth scrolling

[Paid] Glide - An image loading and caching extension for focused on smooth scrolling


:spiral_notepad: Extension Properties

Configure the SDK for loading and caching images.

:purple_square: Load

Set component to show loaded image into it.

  • All image type is supported.
  • SVG is supported.
  • GIF animation is supported.
  • Support thumbnail from video URL/Path/Asset.

  • component - Image/Component/Screen
  • url - Asset/Path/URL

:purple_square: Clear Memory Cache

Use this function to clear cache from random access memory (RAM).


:purple_square: Clear Disk Cache

Use this function to clear all cache from cache dir of internal storage.


:green_square: Skip Memory Cache

If it’s true then the SDK will not store the loaded image into RAM. But it will be stored into cache dir of internal storage.


:green_square: Skip Disk Cache

If it’s true then the SDK will not store the loaded image into Storage. But it will be stored into RAM.


:green_square: Cross Fade

If it’s true then you’ll see crossfade animation when the loaded image will be overriding the original image.


:green_square: Quality

Set quality withing (0-100) to compress the image to store it into cache dir.


:green_square: Resizing Image

You can resize the loaded image with custom height & width. Set 0 if you don’t want to resize.


:green_square: Loader Image

Set a loader image from asset, this image will be showing when given url is downloading.


:green_square: Error Image

Set an error image from asset, it will show when given url is failed to download.


:green_square: Fallback Image

Set a fallback image from asset, it will show if any error occurred during downloading or parsing.


:green_square: Priority

Set priority to download and caching images.


:green_square: Scale Type

Set image scale type to set loaded images.


:green_square: Transform

Set transform animation during overriding images.


:memo: Extension specifications:

:moneybag: Price: $ 5 USD
:basket: Size: 500 KB
:beginner: Library: Glide
:earth_americas: Released On: 2023-12-14T18:00:00Z
:earth_americas: Updated On: 2024-06-22T18:00:00Z
:credit_card: Payment methods: Direct Download | PayPal | Skrill | TransferWise (Wise) | Xoom | Airtm | Binance | Crypto | Pyypl | Payment by Card | UPI (:india:) | JazzCash (:pakistan:) | Bkash (:bangladesh:)


Nice extension :relieved::relieved:

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Are you using any library?
If yes, please credit the library author


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Yes the extension uses SDK of Glide.

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:loudspeaker: Great News: Now you can set background image of any Arrangement, CardView, Button or component which support background image. (GIF supported)

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@JEWEL Does your extension support SVG and can it be loaded?

Yes, it can load and cache SVG images also.

:loudspeaker: Great news

Now you can set Screen as input to change background image with Glide.