[FREE] InApp Billing - Google InApp Purchase [V7.0.0]


This extension allows you to implement google in-app billing in your apps with many features and with latest library v7.0.0.

All Blocks

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This event raises when purchase is successful


This event raises when user cancelled the payment


This event raises when payment is failed due to some reason


This event raises when the purchase is failed to consumed


This event raises when the purchase is failed to acknowledge


This event raises when the billing client’s setup is finished


This event raises when the billing service is disconnected


This event raises when any error occurs


This event raises when product details got from the product details

This event raises when product details got from the get subscription details

This event raises when purchase details got


This event raises when purchase is consumed successful


This event raises when acknowledge successful


This event raises when active purchases queried


This event raises when purchases history queried


This event raises when the billing flow launch succeed


This event raises when the billing flow launch failed


This event raises when InAppMessage response received


Initialize the google play client


Start the billing connection


Ends the billing connection


Query the given product details


Query the given product details


Get the purchase details from given purchase object


This block launch the billing flow params for given in-app product details


This block launch the billing flow params for given subscription product details


This block acknowledge/consume the purchase with purchase token.


Query the user purchases, returns purchases details for currently owned items bought within your app.


Return the originalJson of the given purchase


Query the user purchases history, returns the most recent purchase made by the user for each product, even if that purchase is expired, canceled, or consumed.


Returns the originalJSON of the given purchase record


Show InAppMessage of the play billing


Youtube Tutorial

Demo Video


AIX Size : 274KB
Demo AIA along with extension will be downloaded in zip file.


Thanks @Shreyash for the super power full Rush .

Thanks you
Sumit​ :wink:


Excellent Job :star_struck:

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Good news! A tutorial is now available for this extension on YouTube.

InApp Purchases

InApp Subscription

This extension is best, it does not crash & also acknowledge block works really well. No auto refunds after using this extension → reduced my workload & stress.


If a user purchases the Subscription then can we restrict the the same google account being used on multiple devices? I dont have any backend server to authenticate the user.

As far as I know you can’t control google account. It may be possible if you use user authentication to link the subscription with the authenticated user.

Hey Sumit thanks for your great extension.

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3 Questions.


  • I can’t read anything in the _GotPurchaseDetails Return

If there is no delay before consuming the product, it is not consumed and no error occurs

How to redeem a Token from an unconsumed purchase, in the native version of Kodular you could use SKU_Consume, but with a token it is difficult.


I can’t tell anything without looking to your blocks.
Check the tutorial on the youtube:

It’s same as consumable products, just replace the Acknowledge block with Consume block.

I did not understand you.

When the purchase is successful, consume it there instantly, if you use any verification then store the purchase token in global var and after verification done consume it with the purchase token stored in the var.

After the purchase is made, I save the token to a list. then I call a time of 2 seconds and consume the tokens, saving the tokens again for future comparison

InApp Billing v1.5

This is a small update, now the extension uses latest billing library(v6.0.1).



To check wether the app is moded or not.


  • InApp Billing SDK updated to v6.0.1
  • Offline Verification.
  • Extension SIze : 260 KB

Note:- Your billing can be easily hacked by some dangerous app easily, so make sure to protect your app from patching. Verify signature on the app initialization to verify wether the app is not moded and verify your purchase token/purchase signature through an online API to make sure the purchase is real then consume/acknowledge it.

New Price

This price has been updated.

For India :- â‚ą499
Outside India :- 7$

How to buy :
You can buy this extension from AI2 Store
Deep Link for AI2 Store : Click here

Thank You
Sumit :wink:

How do I check the apk signature? Do I need to compare the play store SHA signature within the app?

My application that uses the extension does not open anymore, i just remove the extension or use another one and it will open again. (my application was made in appinventor)

It was a bug, now fixed, please redownload the extension, it would work.


@iamwsumit Does it work with Oseamiya Admob extension? I added another inAppBilling extension, but it is a conflicting with admob extension.

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I haven’t checked so I am not sure, but as far as I know many peoples are using this extension with free/paid admob extensions. But not sure, wait for someone to answer…

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This is my main concern too. Can you please give it a try?

Tutorials are already available, you might watch.

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A single extension can be used in numerous ways so what everyone wants for them particularly can’t be demonstrated by extension developer.
Instead the developer can provide some standard examples and users will have to adapt them according to their need.

Although what you are looking for is PurchaseSuccessful event.


Hello. Does this extension still work to be used in Kodular? How long could it last if I purchased it today, until a new update is required? Does the purchase include future updates? Thank you