[PAID] :google_play: InApp Billing Library : Advance Billing Extension (V7.0.0) đŸ”„

I just purchased the previous version and you never mentioned this at all. If I had known I would have waited. You are now officially for warned of shad_ness. Now you said future updates were free but this one is now mysteriously exempt

I still stand by my commitment.

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Ok link please for update like you promised in your ad on Kodular please and thank you.

Just bought this extension yesterday. But still its v6.0.1

Oh, you’ve claimed it from Buymeacoffee. Let me update it there right now. And please text me on Telegram to get latest update.

Can you post in English and so i can help you

I purchased an earlier version. Worked well.
Where can I get version 7.0?
Taking advantage of the fact that I need to update to API 34, I update everything.

Take it from here or you can text me on Telegram/WhatsApp.

Ok Jewel when and where can I get the latest update that somehow I didn’t receive from you?

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I want to purchase this extension.

How ro keep subscription automatically in my app

Welcome @Ahmad_Bakour1

Nice Extension ! great work keep it up