[PAID] Screen Utils Extension - Change style statusBar and navigationBar

icon Screen Utils

This extension will help you change the style of the Status Bar and Navigation Bar.
You can make bars transparent to full screen.

[ PAID ] Extension

:earth_americas: Released on : 26 July 2024

:gear: Version : 1.0

:closed_book: Documentation

:black_small_square: Functions

Allows you to set the icon style to Light or Dark for the Status Bar and Navigation Bar and Transparent Background Color.

Allows you to reset the style of the icons to Light or Dark in the Status Bar and Navigation Bar and custom background color. This causes them to occupy the screen space again.

It allows you to set the style of the icons in Light or Dark for the Status Bar and Navigation Bar and custom background color and also be able to hide the bars. Resetting makes them occupy the screen space again with the configuration of icons and background color of the bars

:moneybag: Price $4.50

:globe_with_meridians: Paypal : https://paypal.me/Quilcoflores

:white_check_mark: You can personal message after purchasing the extension.


Here is free version with all the features

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Promoting your own extension on somebody else’s extension post…not cool