[PAID] TinyDBPro Secured

TinyDBPro Secured + Extra Features

💡  Current Version 1.0
📁  File Size 2.1MB
📦  yt.neodeveloper.tinydbpro
📅   Created On 2021-08-28

Method Blocks

AppendListValue - Append to the value List value
key input type text
value input type any

ClearAllData - Deletes all key value pairs

Contains - Contains the value
key input type text

DeleteValue - Deletes value
key input type text

GeListValue - Gets Boolean value
key input type text
valueIfNotAvailable input type list

GetBooleanValue - Gets Boolean value
key input type text
valueIfNotAvailable input type boolean

GetIntegerValue - Gets Integer value
key input type text
valueIfNotAvailable input type number

GetStringValue - Gets String value
key input type text
valueIfNotAvailable input type text

RemoveListValue - Remove from list value
key input type text
index input type number

SaveBooleanValue - Save boolean value
key input type text
value input type boolean

SaveIntegerValue - Save integer/number value
key input type text
value input type number

SaveListValue - Save List value
key input type text
value input type list

SaveStringValue - Save String value
key input type text
value input type text

Event Blocks

ValueChanged - On value change

This docs is generated from AIX Docs - Cttricks. Hit :heart: button if you liked this extension and feel free to comment below your reviews and suggestion.

Price 150INR :moneybag:
Pm me for buy the extension :innocent:


huh ?? which is the niotron blocks can u mention ? :joy:
go to builder and check kodular blocks :no_mouth:


Can you explain how your extension is secured as compared to tinydb component ?

And as you described about extra features, I didn’t find it anything different. I can save all types of data in tinydb component text,boolen,integer,list,etc.
This extension just has some extra blocks of that, but nothing different for the normal Component.

Therefore I think it’s not worth as a paid Extension, although it’s my opinion. If I am wrong please correct me.


Spelling mistake.

And btw, this extension is much less convenient than the original tinyDB. Why do I need to use a separate block for every type of value? The original component only needed one method to do so.


it’s just not about returning object specific values, it’s based on SecuredSharedPreference and not the normal SharedPreference one to it’s definitely way more secure than the existing the Tiny db.

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Well, for security, We can just encrypt value while saving and we can decrypt while getting value


Some useful ones to encrypt your tinydb data :


Exactly, my whole point is that. The extension you are offering as a paid extension, same thing can be done using free resources.


R u comedy me :joy::joy::joy:
Let’s see u create a apk with this and i will create a apk with my Extension and check which is more secured :joy::joy::joy:

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Well, In my opinion, its quite clear, you used TinyDB component source + features it offers are easy to implement with builtin blocks + how can I be assured of security

And also, kindly be ethical while discussion in community


Do you mean EncyptedSharedPreferencs?

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Better functionality and feature can be achieved with custom objects not limited to just (Int/number, String/text or List).

If you are using Library/AndroidClas, just see into the sources, ofc it does cryptography before saving, so users can just encrypt data before saving anywhere.

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“What does the extension has to do with viewing source code? Its secured enough to protect user data and I’m confident about it, And also remember there is multiple way to achive same thing in programing, its not like my way is the best way and other’s way is not good”


Finally someone like me :rofl:

By the way :rofl: :rofl:

Okay let have test give me your test apk and i will change the stored value with these tools - Cheat Droid Pro and GameGuardian

let see