Payment By Market Paid Via FREE API (UPDATE) V1

Payment By Market Paid Via FREE API

Hoje venho aqui apresentar a minha Api de Pagamentos via Mercado Pago gratuita onde ele utiliza o metodo GET e o pagamento via Checkout Pro utilizando o client id e client secret do mercado pago

What is Checkout Pro?
Checkout Pro is the integration that allows you to charge through our web form from any device in a simple, fast and secure way.

**Checkout Pro offers:**to

  • Pay with the country’s main payment methods.
  • An adapted and accessible shopping experience from any cell phone or computer on your website.
  • One-click shopping. When paying with a Mercado Pago account, buyers’ data and cards are saved, allowing them to pay by entering only the security code or money in the account.
  • Guest purchases. It is not necessary to create a Mercado Pago account to be able to make the payment.
  • Payment with two cards. For example, for cases of high values.

any doubts in something beyond can look in

So let’s start our explanation

API V.0 09/03/2021

these are the test users available



The method used here to send the files and via GET
The example url is here

/ and used for dividing folders on the site
& = it is used to separate

The List of Categories you can find at

Payment options
The payment currencies offered by Mercado Pago vary according to each country. And they use the currency identifier in ISO_4217 format.

The following are the payment currencies available for each country.

Currency identifier used for payment
ARS: = Argentine Peso.
BRL = Brazilian Real.
CLP = Chilean peso.
MXN = Mexican peso.
COP = Colombian Peso.
PEN = Peruvian sun.
UYU = Uruguayan peso.



Market screen Paid for payment requests

this is the application’s home screen where you can enter the payment amount


After entering the amount and clicking on pay you are redirected to the payment screen where the payment method by bank slip was excluded by the api


I chose payment as a new card soon and it is taken to this screen below where it is requested the card data I enter the data through the test cards of the paid market that can be found through this link:


When I click on continue and redirect to the screen where I inform the document I chose as cpf


When you click on continue you will be redirected to a payment review screen in which how many installments you can choose is already fixed by the fact in the application automatically any payment will make with only one installment


After entering the e-mail and making the payment

Below we will see some answer screens before the card options of these which are

• APRO: Payment approved.
• CONT: Payment pending.
• OTHE: Refused due to general error.
• CALL: Refused with validation to authorize.
• FUND: Declined for insufficient amount.
• SECU: Refused due to invalid security code.
• EXPI: Refused due to a problem with the expiration date.
• FORM: Refused due to an error in the form.

Payment accept
• APRO: Payment approved.



Pending payment
CONT: Payment pending.



Payment Declined
• OTHE: Refused due to general error.
This and the card issuer did not authorize the payment



Your card does not have enough limit
• FUND: Declined for insufficient amount.



Card security code is invalid
SECU: Refused due to invalid security code.



Card expiration is invalid
• EXPI: Refused due to a problem with the expiration date.



Some card data is invalid
• FORM: Refused due to an error in the form.



Application aia File

mercadopagoteste.aia (606.3 KB)

Files to Host (5.4 MB)

API V.1 23/03/2022 It's been more than 1 year since this publication of the paid market api and today I come here to publish a big update of the api what's new in the new api?
  • Search list of payments made via GET.
  • Search payment status via GET.
  • Payment setup.
  • Payments requisition count.
  • Create Payments via GET.
  • Now you can provide the shipping cost to your customer
  • Creates personalized payments being able to choose the payment methods via GET.
  • Lots of updates to be written just checking for you to know more

Now you also have an api dashboard where it lets you know:

  • Login history and login count.
  • Customized payment search.
  • Registration of paid market credentials.
  • Api documentation where everything is explained how to create a payment and get its payment status
  • Pivot tables to search for information
  • Lots of updates to be written just checking for you to know more

!Heads up!
Now the api no longer works with “client id” and neither “client secret” is working with “Access Token”

API requirements

  • Website hosting
  • Mysql database
  • PHP 8.1.3
  • Access Token from Mercado Pago

open the file conexao.php that is in “.mp-api/v1/admin/conexao.php” edit it putting your information available your hosting in the following varieve

$hostname = " ";
$user = " ";
$password = " ";
$database = " ";


Source Code Available at:

If in doubt, I’ll integrate the api into your hosting for the cost of R$25.00 twenty-five reais an hour

If I helped you then donate if you can or want

If you liked this extension give a like!

any questions i will answer as soon as possible

this is a free api I made to help the community grow it can be used in several types of applications


Please remove your e-mail from your post.

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The screenshot you posted are not in English, so many users won’t understood it. If possible then replace them.

What Is This Language This Is Community Rules

due to the api being created in brazil there was no way to put it in english due to the fact that it creates a source link with the source programmer’s language
unfortunately it happened

unfortunately it happened because api and Brazilian origin that she creates an online payment link

By your example, only whole numbers can be received. Can I do something to receive float transactions, like 20.50 for example?

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Congratulations! Excellent contribution. Keep contributing to the community.

hello alright already fixing this error now you can make floating transactions sorry so it was my mistake in a sub-block

this was the block that I went wrong
blocks (4)

where I put it to replace the point with a comma

now this the corrected block

blocks (5)

now this the corrected block
where this he replace the comma by a point

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Thank you very much every day I want to help but the community grows

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How do I create a link in my origin?

As your country of origin and in chile then your currency will be “CLP”
change the credentials (client secret and client id) for your user

example below"your client id "&secretmp=“your client secret”&numeroparcelas=1&nomedopedido=teste1&quantidadedopedido=1&categoriadopedido=others&moedadopedido=CLP&descricaodopedido=Meu_pedido_teste&nomedopagamento=PAGAMENTO_MERCADO_PAGO

I’m getting error 2501: SSL the connection could not be completed

What should I do?

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did you put the api files on your hosting?

I have the same mistake


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hello alright first you need to put the files on your hosting preferably that gives support for php if you continue the errors you can call me in private to help you

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hello as soon as possible today I will be doing a tutorial on how to upload files for hosting

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I did some tests with awardspace hosting I liked the result