Payout not received

What if 20k was not at 100% fill rate.

You are right. But on Optimised my impressions are between 18k to 20k. You can say total Ad requests might be 25k

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Google has very huge inventory. Google has Billions of Ads. Did you noticed with AdMob? adMob always have an Ad for Users.
Problem is Google is not providing better Ad Inventory to Kodular. Or kodular might set how Ads shoulf target our Apps ik better way.

Yes but it’s depends on Country. If your traffic from Pakistan India Bangladesh then in this countries advertiser’s didn’t set 0.80$ ecpm ads they set low cost ads that’s why your fill rate is low because in these countries huge ecpm ads is not available.

Do you think cost $0.8 is enough for 1000 ads?
I have experienced to run campaign on Google Ads. Google minimun charge for 1000 impression is $3 & min. CPC is $0.25.

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Excellent Way to discuss !! Great :clap::clap:


Now i have set my apps ecpm on optimise and updated on Play store because @Kodular ecpm floor settings is useless for me :zipper_mouth_face:

I think optimize is better now…
Impression are very low

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Yes that’s why i set it on optimise

How many active users you have for your app to generate daily 20k impressions?

I have almost 10k to 14k DAU. any more Questions?


There are lots of questions :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:…but I’ll ask you only few. When did you launch your app and is it only one app generating all the impressions or you have more than one app? And what’s the category of your app?

In such a way, better than asking questions, you should pay attention to your apps and this topic has been posted, that purpose has been buried.

•Payout not received

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Guys, we want our payment, it’s taking too long.

It was 2nd Monday after the payment accural in our accounts.
I would tell the kodular not to work with a bank that does not send payment and harass us

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i suggest kodular should change their banking partner they don’t send payment on time and also don’t send payments to Indian bank account after complaining and diego submitted a complaint they send it after 1 month strongly suggest to change bank partner @Diego @KodularCreator


Regarding my Payouts I agree with the opinion of @Sooraj_Aniyeri,

The Monday of this week was 31st Oct which doesn’t mark a new Julian month after the previous payment which was made on 2nd Oct.

If you check your Balance & Transactions, you would notice that the Accrual of a month is settled to your Account in it’s next month. The Payment we received on Oct 02 was in fact the Accrual of September month.

I Think (Fingers crossed​:crossed_fingers:) that the payment would be made by Nov 07 i.e Next Monday as it marks the 1st Monday of a new month.

(Note: This is just an opinion & Only Kodular staff knows when they would settle October’s accrual).


We need to make sure of things, I requested it on the 22nd, today is the 2nd, whoever uses admob already received it on the 23rd.

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