Paypal Extension [PAID]






Price 50 USD


Looks great…

You might want to specify the currency for the price. I mean can I offer you 50 best wishes for this extension? :grin:

EDIT: I now see it says “Price 50 USD but originally it only said “Price 50”. However, there is nothing showing you have edited your post. :scream:


By default Discourse has a threshold of 5 minutes between each modification so that the modification history is displayed, although users with elevated privileges (Moderators and administrators) can also hide the edits


I just did it on purpose

Oh, I see.

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You are selling an extension for $50 and not even properly describing it.
You just added screenshots of blocks and that’s it. There’s literally no block description, introduction,…

EDIT: Also, when promoting videos make sure they are in English.

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what is the point

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Is the extension fully tested? I’m interested :slight_smile:

Will Google Play Store this mode of Payment?

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