I dont know why…but it stills show me the same thing
You might have installed Wrong APK Please Check Again
I re-installed it It works Properly
This old apk Install This apk
I did the same steps…before posting in the community.But when i clicked the camera button it didn’t ask me any permission…but now it does
Could you tell me what you did?
Install Apk and check it will work…
Kodular Companion always gives Error
Check again I have Edited AIA and apk
I already mentioned it works.There wasn’t a necessity for you to change the Aia.
Could you tell me what you did?
You Told Two Problems that you GET error While Uploading and Cannot Export
I added Package Name and Chaged Name of json File
Ehhh but i did the same thing. I have no clue what went wrong
Thank you @Power_Dev and @Sashibhusan_Coder for helping resolve this issue
I have change the package name also this is also a major problem
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