Phone Call component bug

Hello Everyone,
I am aware of Google’s new policy update… however I use Amazon apps store to publish my apps.

I am developing app with SMS and CAll component and exported the app granted permessions manually, but still the phone call component do not rechognize phone call ringing with status = 1 and SMS issue with SMS component.

Is this a known bug here?


I didn’t understand this…
Would you please elaborate it with blocks that you set…

sorry. Due to over coding…:joy: i missed placed the blocks and encountered error. Phone call component is working perfectly.

@MSA_Zama_Khan is your problem solved?

Not actually. Because after the app is built with SMS and PhoneCall Component - The run-time permissions do not work well. Requesting manual permission using Ask for Permissions block do not work properly either. I feel 4 days of my efforts are lost. The only way the the SMS and Phone Call component permissions work is by enabling from App-Settings-Permissions screen. I can request the app to open app settings - but i noticed the All Permissions Granted block either do not work well when SMS and PhoneCall components are added to app.

Typically time waste and efforts wasted in Kodular. :frowning:

Works in my end as it should Android 8.0


I am using 8.1.0. It is not working…

I am using Phone Call + SMS and Storage Permission in the app - When app starts, app requests for Storage Permissions, Next Phone-call Permissions and do not request SMS permissions.

Try this one PhoneCallTest.apk (5.1 MB), it’s a simple project


Ok. I tested. Run-time askes SMS
Later Call buttonclick asks Phone call permissions.

So we have to request manual permissions for call?

Can you share me that android permissions text for both SMS and CALL Manual ? in my case it is reverse. Phone call requests run-time - no sms run-time

I don’t have many blocks in my project as it’s a simple one, only this

Wonder if it has to do with in which order I/you put the components in the project, texting was the first one


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There is still run-time permissions issue in phone call and sms components in kodular. I have tested in thunkable it works great. There is no issue with run time. It request all permission properly for both of these components. Hence i am rebuilding it there.

The component those were added to pallet first only those permissions are added to run-time other component run-time permissions are not prompted. Please fix this issue in future releases.

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