PhoneNumberLoginFree Extension

Download (1)

. Import the extension into your AI2 project:

  • Go to the AI2 website.
  • In your project, click on the “Extensions” option in the left sidebar.
  • Click on “Import Extension” and upload the Aix file you created.
    . Use the extension in your AI2 project:
  • Drag and drop the extension component from the palette onto the screen.
  • Use blocks to call the loginWithPhoneNumber function and handle the events (OnLoginSuccess and OnLoginFailure) in your AI2 project.

Remember to implement the actual login logic in the loginWithPhoneNumber method based on the authentication service you are using. This example assumes you’ll use Firebase Authentication, but you should replace it with your chosen service’s login mechanism.

authuser=0)/Download link:


Test Apk, test it now, the extension works, you know?
PhoneNumberLogin.apk (4.3 MB)


if i use this extension my chat app will accepted in google play or not?

but I don’t know if it will be a problem and please contact us and don’t forget to join our MrBeySoftware YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe and on Instagram.

Extensions have the file extension aix and not jar

Please remember the naming conventions

loginWithPhoneNumber → LoginWithPhoneNumber

Also please explain the purpose of the extension… somehow I did not understand how we can use it


You can test the extension in the demo application. I will install a sample application before using the extension.

Endless loop… webpage links back to Kodular, no download available

Unlisted until this is fixed, documentation is provided and naming conventions are followed