PHP Script error :Subtracting two variable failure

Hello everyone! I have this issue since yesterday and I can’t still figure it out. I subtract the current load balance and ticket price but I always got a wrong result. Like for instance, the current load balance is 1000 and the ticket price is 54, the difference must be 946 but I always got 622 which is 7x from the ticket price. Can you please check my algorithm and tell me what’s wrong. :sweat_smile:

This is my source code:

 $conn = mysqli_connect($host,$username,$password,$dbname);
    $sel = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE Cus_IDNum='$IDNum' AND Bus_Plate_Number='$PlateNum' AND Tk_Sch_Date = CURRENT_DATE()");
    while ($rows=mysqli_fetch_array($sel))
        $Tk_Stat = $rows['Tk_Stat'];
        $Tk_Price = $rows['Tk_Price'];
        if($Tk_Stat = "UNPAID")
           $sel2 = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM customers WHERE Cus_IDNum='$IDNum'");
           while ($rows=mysqli_fetch_array($sel2))
               $currbal = $rows['Cus_Loadbal'];
               if($currbal > $Tk_Price)
                   $totalbal = $currbal - $Tk_Price;
                  $upd = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE ticket SET Tk_Stat = 'PAID' WHERE Cus_IDNum ='$IDNum'");
                      $upd2 = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE customers SET Cus_Loadbal = '$totalbal' WHERE Cus_IDNum ='$IDNum'");
            		    $upd3 = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE qrcode SET Cus_Loadbal = '$totalbal' WHERE Cus_IDNum ='$IDNum'");
                		  print "1";
                   print "0";
        else if($Tk_Stat = "PAID")
           print "1";

If you found something let me know. Thanks in advance :sweat_smile:

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can you print the both variable before subtracting and post the result here. just echo $currbal and echo $Tk_Price or just print_r($rows);

Still the same
I already put it in this way:

echo $currbal;
echo $Tk_Price;
$totalbal = $currbal - $Tk_Price;

the value of currbal is 946 and the tk price is 54, I got 784 instead of 892.

This is happening because you are subtracting it inside the loop.
Subtract them outside the loop

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I tried right now but this time I got a higher value.
I remove the while loop then I run it again, the balance is 1000 and the price is 54, I got 989 instead of 946
this is the code:

$conn = mysqli_connect($host,$username,$password,$dbname);
    $sel = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE Cus_IDNum='$IDNum' AND Bus_Plate_Number='$PlateNum' AND Tk_Sch_Date = CURRENT_DATE()");
        $Tk_Stat = $rows['Tk_Stat'];
        $Tk_Price = $rows['Tk_Price'];
        if($Tk_Stat = "UNPAID")
           $sel2 = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM customers WHERE Cus_IDNum='$IDNum'");
               $currbal = $rows['Cus_Loadbal'];
               if($currbal > $Tk_Price)
                   echo $currbal;
                   echo $Tk_Price;
                   $totalbal = $currbal - $Tk_Price;

@Gelo_Reuben Check PM

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Here is Kodular Community.

Your questions are about:

1-basic concepts of programming logic


One more time , I will suggest to you :